Matthäus Heer

I am a Software Engineer at ipt and former Masters Student at University of Zurich and ETH Zurich in Physics. I like coding, robotics and vision stuff.

These are some of my projects.

Radiological Treatment Planning System

An implementation of a 2D treatment planning system including all major components such as radiological depth calculation, dose distribution calculations and fluence map optimization using constrained Gradient Descent optimization. Code and more GIF’ here!

Creating a Semantic Building Map

How would a fire-fighting drone know how to enter a building and put those fires down? In my work at the Autonomous Systems Lab at ETH Zurich I attempted to provide answers.

A RRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees)-based Path Planner

Some Monte-Carlo sampling action to get from A to B. Dive into the code.

Masters Thesis on Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Detecting lesions in brain MRI scans using unsupervised Deep Representation Learning at the Computer Vision Lab at ETH Zurich. Chout out the Github repo.

PID Controller

A real classic. If you want to learn how it works - code it up yourself! Or check out my implementation of a PID controller test suite here.

A 3D OpenGL Renderer

A fast 3D renderer to visualize SPH point cloud data from planetary collisions in pure OpenGL and C++.

Parallelizing 2D Convex Hull Finding Algorithms

Implementations and benchmarks of several convex hull computation algorithms with some neat OpenMP parallelization going on. Algorithms include Quickhull, Jarvis, Graham, Chan and combinations thereof. Find out more here.

Making Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms Go Fast

This project about implementing various Meta-Heuristic Optimiztaion algorithms and squeezing the last bit of performance out of them. Get your daily dosis of C and SIMD instructions here!

A Nostalgic Particle Filter Object Tracker

Good old times.

3D Vision and the Hololens

Want to explore a site? Someone needs to tell you where you haven’t looked yet!

Planetary Collisions and How the Solar System Formed

Questions I investigated on during my Bachelors Thesis at the Institute for Computational Science at the University of Zurich.

SPH Simulations

Fun little project implementing Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations and some underlying tree datastructures.

Finding People in the Wild

This drone is capable of deciding who needs help down there! Project for the Swiss Air Rescue Service for autonomous Search&Rescue missions.